Jesus' Designer Clothes


Sam & Jesus [PUN WARNING] Many many years ago in the town of Jerusalem lived a very nice Jewish man, named Sam, with his wife and children. Times were hard, and this gentleman had to work very long hours daily as a laborer to house and feed his family. But his real love was sewing. Although he put in long hours at his job, he would often stay up half the night designing and making clothes. His dream was to some day have a shop of his own where he could outfit everyone. One evening, as he sat sewing by lamp light, he heard a commotion outside. When he went to look, he saw all his neighbors going to an area of raised field, so he tagged along. There was an enormous crowd, and up on the hill he saw a tall bearded man preaching. Sam was intrigued by this man, a very eloquent speaker, the crowd was so quiet. But, thought Sam, this man looked dusty, dirty, poorly dressed, and tired. So after the sermon, Sam managed to go speak to this man. Sam told him he was great speaker, really holding the people’s attention, but that clothes really do help, and that if he were dressed better he would make a much better impression. Then Sam had a great idea — he offered to make the man, (whose name he found out was Jesus), a new outfit, for free, if when Jesus went out on another speaking tour, he would just happen to drop into his speech from where he got his clothes. Jesus thought this over, saying that it was true his appearance did need improving, after all, traveling the way he did was hard on his clothing and that he just hadn’t the time or the money to get new outfits. And so it was agreed. Jesus was to be gone on the road for another two weeks, so Sam spent nearly every night now designing, cutting out, and sewing a beautiful robe. When Jesus was back in town, Sam took him the new outfit. And Jesus promised to tell folks from where his new outfit had come.Over the next several months, people began coming to Sam’s house, asking for new clothes because they had seen and admired what the man Jesus was wearing. With orders for several complete wardrobes, Sam was able to quit his day laborer job, and, with the help of his wife, he set up a little business. A month later, Jesus was back in town and he came to Sam’s house. Sam thanked him profusely and said he thought they should be partners, open up a real shop, not just in his house. Sam said he would put up a sign, what did Jesus think of ‘Sam and Jesus Clothing’? Jesus thought a minute, then said, ‘I think the sign should read ‘Lord and Taylor’.

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