Baby Planes


A little boy and his mother was on an airplane when he asked her the question. “Mom why do big elephants have little elephants, big giraffes have little giraffes and big planes don’t have little planes? The mother answered “Well son I’m sorry but I don’t have an answer for that, why don’t you ask the stewardess.”
As the stewardess was walking by the little boy said,”Excuse me Ms. Stewardess, why do big elephants have little elephants, big giraffes have little giraffes but big planes don’t have little planes?” The stewardess then said,”I’m sorry son I can’t answer that let me take you to the captain maybe he can answer that.”
So the little boy went to the cockpit and asked the pilot, “Excuse me Mr.Pilot, why do big elephants have little elephants, big giraffes have little giraffes but big planes don’t have little planes?”
The pilot answered, “Well son, can’t talk for the others, but you’re flying Delta and we always pull out on time.”

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